Surya Namaskar :
Meaning of Surya Namaskar Surya is Sun and Namaskar is salutation.
Surya Namaskar should be done facing the early morning mild sunlight from the east. Its roots lie in India where the majority Hindu population worship the Sun God Surya Namaskar , an age-old yogic practice, is a comprehensive exercise, which contributes to mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being.
आदित्यस्य नमस्कारं ये कुर्वन्ति दिने दिने ।
जन्मान्तरसहस्रेषु दारिद्र्यं नोपजायते ।।
Aadityasya namaskaram ye kurvanti dine dine |
Janmaantarsahasreshu daridryam nopajaayate ||
Meaning : It is said that the person who does Surya Namaskar is untouched by poverty for his thousand lifetimes.
Yoga: is not a list of simple exercises, but a lot more. It is a science - a science of well being, and attaining balance between the mind, body and soul.
There are 12 basic steps of surya namaskar. These steps vary with different types of surya namaskars. The following steps,
Step 1: Pranamasan
Stand in an erect position, facing the sun, with palms folded near the chest in namaskar. Keep the feet together and breathe normally.
Step 2: Hasta uttanasana
Breathe in, raise the arms upward, and bend backwards with the face pointing upwards and towards the sky. The back should be arched while bending backwards.
Step 3: Pada hastasana
Exhale and keeping knees straight, bend down till the head touches the knees. The hands should touch the floor on either side of the feet with the palms flush against the ground.
Step 4: Ashwa-sanchalan-asana
Inhale and stretch the left leg backwards, and balance the leg on the toes with the heel raised upwards. The right leg is bent at the knee and the head is lifted upwards to face the sky, while the hands remain stretched with the palms flush against the floor.
Step 5: Parvatasana
Exhale and keeping the palms flush against the ground, the right leg is pushed back to stay parallel with the left leg. The hip is raised with the head bent downwards to face the navel.
Step 6: Ashtanga namaskar
Inhale and lower the hips. The toes, knees, chest, and face touch the floor while the hips are slightly raised.
Step 7: Bhujangasana
Exhale and stretch arms. Lift the chest so the back arches and the head is bent backwards to face the sky.
Step 8: Parvatasana
Exhale and perform as in step 5Step 9: Ashwa-sanchalan-asana
Inhale and perform as in step 4Step 10: Pada hastasana
Exhale and perform as in step 3Step 11: Hasta Uttanasana
Inhale and perform as in step 2.Step 12: Pranamasan
Bring back the hands in a folded namaskar to the chest, and breathe normally as in step 1.
The steps are repeated once again, using the opposite leg in steps 4 to 9. One round of surya namaskar thus consists of 24 steps. The ideal regimen requires an individual to perform 12 rounds.DISEASES THAT CAN BE CURED BY YOGA
The benefits of doing Surya Namaskar plainly for weight loss are also many. You can break up the Surya Namaskar into 12 different yoga poses that help you to burn calories. If you still have the question why you should do Surya Namaskar then we can give some more very valid reasons to salute the sun.
10 Benefits of Surya Namaskar
Flexibility2 Digestive System
3 Weight Loss
4 Combating Disorders
5 Blood Circulation
6 Anti-ageing
7 Spiritual Benefit
8 Diabetes
9 Endurance
10 Vitamin D
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